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Confessions of a My Little Pony Fan

I have something to confess.  I watch My Little Pony.  Regularly.  And I enjoy it. 

A lot of people find it really strange for an adult to watch a children’s cartoon.  But I ask, what makes a show “for adults?”  Sex?  Violence?  Drama?  Sometimes I’m in the mood for something more intense, like House or The Walking Dead.  And of course, I love my Burn Notice.  🙂  However, every now and then, I just want to watch something happy.  It’s so hard to find lighthearted shows on adult television, and when there are, they are often accompanied by a barrage of crude humor.  Sometimes I just want to watch something sweet and innocent.

I’m a very empathetic person, and this sometimes makes it difficult to watch movies and TV.  For example, the other day I was watching Property Brothers on HGTV, and there was a father with his wife and two daughters.  You could tell he loved them so much and wanted to give them the world, but they just walked all over him and took him for granted.  This made me so sad!  I just wanted to tell his family to stop being so rude to him, because if he wasn’t working his butt off for them they wouldn’t even have what they had.  So, as a person who feels sorry for people watching HGTV, you can see how it might be hard for me to handle prime time shows sometimes.  I stopped watching Glee because it seemed like when they weren’t having sex or talking about sex, they were being mean to someone.

So I really don’t think it should be a crime for adults to tune into children’s cartoons sometimes.  My Little Pony teaches about friendship and being kind to others.  Isn’t that a good lesson for everyone, not just kids?  Aside from that, the show actually DOES cater to an adult audience much of the time.  I don’t mean inappropriate jokes, but things like references to I Love Lucy or Indiana Jones.  Those things go over most kid’s heads, but they sure are entertaining for adults.  Many of the themes are also more complex than what you see on the typical children’s show. 

Say what you will, but I have no intention of breaking my pony watching habit.  As adults, we have the power to choose what we fill our lives with, and that includes what messages we take in from TV.  If I choose to support love and friendship over sex and violence, that’s my right.  Rock on, everypony!  😉


              Evidence of my long time pony fandom.

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